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Frequently asked questions about the bank’s operation in wartime

What exchange rate mechanism applies when you pay with card abroad?

When overseas, you do not need to concern yourself with buying foreign currency or opening additional accounts. All you need is to have funds on your card account and you will be able to use your payment card to withdraw cash and pay for goods and services. When using a card it is imperative to pay attention to the presence of Mastercard and VISA international payment systems logo.

If the transaction currency does not coincide with your card’s currency, the conversion is carried out in accordance with the following scheme:

1. In the moment of conducting the transaction on the card account, the corresponding amount converted into the card currency is blocked - so it is checked whether there are enough funds in the account and they are reserved for further debiting.

If the SMS-banking service is activated, or Push notification is received in the СА+ mobile application on the day of making a payment, the notification will show the blocked amount in the settlement currency and the remaining card balance. However, the amounts blocked in UAH are not final amounts to be charged to the account and can differ due to a change in rates on the actual date when the card account is charged.

2. Within the 30-day period after the transaction was conducted, the actual charging of funds to the account takes place, at the rate applicable on the day when the card account is charged. The currency conversion is as follows:

1. The international payment system (Mastercard or VISA) sends the transaction amount to the Bank, which we convert according to the bank's commercial rate, which you can see here

2. The bank converts USD into the currency of the client's account at its own commercial rate for card transactions, which can be seen on the bank's website here.

Therefore, debiting funds from the client's card account is at the bank's rate, which you can see on the bank's website or track if you subscribe to the e-mail newsletter.

Due to the difference in days when the amount on the account is blocked and its actual charge, and due to the currency rate fluctuations, the difference between the amount of blocked and charged funds arises.

It is also worth noting that in accordance with your card tariffs there is a fee for currency conversion. It is charged on the day of actual debit of funds from the account.

What are the conditions for credit cards during martial law?

• From June 1, 2022, the bank reduces the mandatory payment amount to 3% for all credit cards and premium packages with a credit limit.

• In accordance with the requirements of the law, fines (fines, interest) are not charged for overdue debt, and an increased interest rate is not applied to untimely (overdue) credit card debt from 07.31.2022, the special terms of service introduced by the bank will cease to be valid for loans, credit cards and premium packages with a credit limit, and from 08.1.2022, all payments that have not been repaid during the validity of the special terms of service and subsequent payments that have not been repaid on time , stipulated by the terms of the concluded contracts, will be considered overdue.

In view of the above, in order to avoid the occurrence of overdue debt after the expiration of the special terms of service, it is necessary to fulfill the payment obligations under the relevant credit agreement.

How do bank outlets work in wartime?

If you are planning to visit an outlet, please make sure to call the contact center at 0 800 30 5555 or talk to your bank manager and ask about the working hours. They change frequently in connection with the risk level at a certain location.

What are the limits for cash withdrawal?

Cash withdrawal in the bank cash desk:

  • UAH
    • Cash withdrawal from a customer’s account is limited to up to UAH 100, 000 per day.
    • Cash withdrawal limit from a card of other bank is up to UAH 25,000 per day.
  • Foreign currency
    • Cash withdrawal limit from a customer’s foreign currency account is up to the equivalent of UAH 100,000 per day.

Cash withdrawal from ATMs:

  • Cash withdrawal limit for Credit Agricole card: UAH 100,000 per 24 hours.
  • Cash withdrawal limit from a card of a different bank: UAH 6,600 per 24 hours.

Cash withdrawal from a store chain:

  •  Credit Agricole card holders can get cash in the store chain where the “Cash at the cash register” service is available:
    • ATB
    • Silpo
    • FORA
    • VARUS
    • NOVUS
    • SIM23 (up to UAH 2,000)
    • LOTOK
    • TOCHKA
    • Trash
    • FOZZY
    • ROSHEN (up to UAH 500)
    • Svii market
    • Torba
    • AUCHAN
    • KOLO
    • ANC
    • Apteka 911
    • Apteka Optovyh Cin
    • Bila Romashka
    • Blahodiia
    • Vitamin
    • Kopiyka
    • Podorozhnyk
    • Salve
    • Shara
    • Apteka Dobrogo Dnia
    • 1 Sotsialna Apteka
    • OKKO
    • WOG
    • UKRNAFTA (up to UAH 5,000)
    • BRSM-Nafta (up to UAH 500)
    • EVA (up to 2,000)
    • Foxtrot
    • Shik i Blysk
  • Cash withdrawal in Ukrposhta branches 
    • Limit per transaction – UAH 15,000.
Have credit limits for customers been restored?

Credit limits are partially or fully restored for customers who timely and fully repay the Mandatory Monthly Payment in accordance with the terms of the contract. To restore the credit limit, please pay off the overdue debt and do not allow any overdues in the future

What to do if the payment card has expired?

The bank has automatically extended the validity of the bank cards that expire beginning with February 2022, so that they can continue to be used.

What do I do if I have to update my account information?

Information update is postponed. The accounts will continue to be active. Ask at the outlet when you get the chance.

Expiration of special terms of customer service on loans

From February 24, 2022, Credit Agricole established special conditions for customers on loans, not counting unpaid payments, the due date of which came in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, overdue (hereinafter - special terms of service).Please note that from 31.07.2022 special terms of service introduced by the bank cease to apply and from 1.08.2022 all payments that were not repaid during the special terms of service and subsequent payments that are not repaid within the terms stipulated by the terms of contracts, will be considered overdue.

Why is interest accrued on credit card/credit debt?

Only penalties are cancelled, while the interest on a loan is accrued in accordance with the agreement.

When the special terms for credits for customers come to an end, what is the right way to repay the current payment?

All mandatory payments to be paid by the borrower during the period of special conditions of service in the bank shall be repaid before the end of this period. If possible, if the borrower has a sufficient solvency margin, it is worth paying payments in accordance with the payment schedule. In case of non-payment of payments before the expiration of the special conditions, such payments will be made in arrears.

If it is not possible to repay the loan

If it is impossible to fulfill the payment obligations, we suggest you contact the bank or the help center 0 800 30 5555 to discuss restructuring options and conditions for further servicing of the debt in accordance with the loan agreement.

Can the card be used abroad?

Yes, the card can be used abroad. Cash withdrawal and conversion fees can be checked at: 

Can I get the payment card with the program “ePidtrymka”?

The bank does not work with the program. More details at

Can a new customer open a bank card?


Can money from Credit Agricole account opened in Ukraine be withdrawn at the Credit Agricole bank abroad?

Money can be withdrawn in any ATM abroad according to the card tariffs.

What do I do if I need money but my city’s outlet and ATM do not work?

The Bank is working on keeping the outlets open and ATMs replenished whenever it is safe to do so. The other ways to get funds is to withdraw it from the chain store cash registers, Ukrposhta branches or try other Banks ATMs.

What do I do if CASCO insurance policy term or mortgage insurance agreement has expired?

Insurance companies continue fulfilling their obligations under the insurance agreement. In order to renew your insurance agreement/make the next payment (tranche), contact the insurance company by the ways convenient for you (insurance company’s hotline, office, e-mail). Also, from now on you can break the insurance payment specified in the CASCO agreement or mortgage insurance agreement into monthly payments.

Can I get travel insurance policy in order to go abroad?

Yes. If you or the loved ones are going or have gone abroad, you can get the insurance policy online in the CA+ app for yourself as well as for the other person.

Are there limits for international foreign currency transfers?

International foreign currency transfers abroad from Ukraine are temporarily suspended in accordance with NBU Resolution No.18 of 24.02.2022, except for the following operations:

  • payment for treatment in medical centers abroad;
  • payment for patient transportation;
  • payments related to citizens’ deaths abroad (transportation and burial expenses).
How can I use banking services in regions where the bank outlets are temporarily out of operation?

We recommend residents of those regions where the bank outlets are out of operation to use the CA+ app and internet-banking, using which you can carry out major transactions.

What are the limits for money transfers in the mobile app? Is there a fee for a card-to-card transfer?

There are no limits within the bank.

Limits on cards of other banks:

  • 25,000 – 1 operation;
  • UAH 29,999.99 – for 24 hours (for example, 16.03.22 15:32 – 17.03.22 15:32) and 10 operations on the same card;
  • UAH 149,999.99 for 30 days and 25 transactions on the same card.

Regarding the transfer fee: The fee for the transfer service in the application is 0.5% of the transfer amount. Also, please note that a fee may apply according to the Tariffs of your card

Aside from phone calls, how can I contact the bank?

You can send us a message via chat in Viber/Telegram or call us from the site Even calls from abroad are free.

Can I receive/send funds from/to Russia/Belarus?

No, such transactions are prohibited by the NBU.

Can I buy military domestic government bonds (IGLBs) at Credit Agricole?

Credit Agricole is now working on providing this opportunity. Please follow our news on the bank’s website/social media.

What are the exchange rates?

More detailed information can be found at the link.


How can I open an account in Credit Agricole Bank Polska?

1. Necessary documents:

  •  identification document (any of the below):
    • Passport for travel abroad
    • ID card issued after 2016
    • Residence card
    • Temporary residence permit
    • School card (for minors) Temporary identification document for a foreigner! The Ukrainian internal passport in booklet form is not accepted
    • mobile phone number of a Polish mobile operator

2. Where to go?

To any of the 400 Credit Agricole outlets in Poland

You can also phone via a designated Ukrainian-speaking line of a contact center at +48 71 799 71 14

All the useful information has been compiled here

3. What kind of account can I open?

Card account in złoty (PLN). Additionally, you can also open accounts in other foreign currencies: dollar, euro, etc.

4. Cost of opening/service.

Basic account with a standard debit card is free of charge, while access to the higher class products (Platinum, Signature cards) is paid.

5. How long does it take to open an account?

Accounts will be active within a few hours or on the next day. Compliance procedure is simplified and accelerated for Ukrainians.

The card will be ready within one or two weeks.

6. Contact center in Poland.

To support the customers, the specially designated Ukrainian-speaking phone line of the contact center has been created: +48 71 799 71 14. Inquiries about products: Monday-Friday 10:00-18:00. Card blocking – around the clock.

How to exchange Ukrainian hryvnias into Polish złoty?

Since March 25, Ukrainians staying in Poland will be able to exchange hryvnias into Polish złoty.

  • Ukrainian hryvnias can be exchange by an adult holding a passport of a Ukrainian citizen issued after 2016 (in the ID card form) or a foreign passport of a citizen of Ukraine in selected PKO Bank Polski outlets.
  • Citizens of Ukraine can exchange a total of UAH 10,000 per person.
  • Only UAH 100 to UAH 1000 banknotes will be accepted for exchange.

List of PKO Bank Polski outlets, where the currency can be exchanged:

Contact center Credit Agricole
0 800 30 5555 Free