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As representatives of the socially responsible Group, we at Credit Agricole develop a culture of transparent and honest business, adhere to ethical principles and code of cooperation, in particular in the procurement process. In this way we contribute to the development of healthy competition on the market and promote sustainable economic development.

General principles of procurement organization
Business relations with the bank

If you want to establish business relationships with the Bank, please fill in the form at the link.

Please send the presentation of your offers / services / experience to e-mail 

Information regarding the sale of real estate can be found at the link or by sending a request to the e-mail   

Subject to a positive review of information on certain types of goods, works or services the Bank will send an invitation to your company to participate in the competition. Completion of the Questionnaire is an obligatory point for participation in the competition.

Planned competitions

1 - Furniture / home applienses & IT HW / waste recycling

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking partners ready to provide sorting, transport & recycling services for different types of waste, incuding but not limited to the mentioned above

2 - Cleaning services all over Ukraine

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for a partner ready to provide regular and on-request cleaning services in all Bank's outlets

3 - Leads generation

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for a partner for potential clients pool generation - interest in banking products

4 - Salary analytics

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for a partner for provision on annual salary analysis details (banking & IT sectors)

5 - Security alarm system

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking to extend the list of partners providing alarm surveillance and reaction services, installation, repair and maintenance of security alarm systems

6 - Factoring SW

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for SW that will allow to support all operations related to factoring

7 - Solar panels

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for partners providing solar panels, their installation in the Bank's outlets and servicing

8 - SW for statistics & XBRL reporting

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for a SW that would help to prepare statistics & XBRL reporting to NBU

9 - Repairs companies

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for extension of providers list for repairs in the outlets all over Ukraine

10 - Outstaffing for IT services provision

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking to extend the list of partners providing IT staff for SW implementation and SW & HW support

11 - Procurement module SW

JSC "CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" is looking for SW that will allow to effectively manage and control the entire purchasing workflow


JSC “Credit Agricole Bank” has zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, bribery, fraud, or any other illegal or unethical practices. The Bank expects its employees, clients, suppliers, partners and any third-party interacting with the Bank to fight corruption and fraud and to comply with Ukrainian legislation and international standards. Should you face any unlawful or non-ethic actions (e.g. corruption, bribery attempts, fraud and other) when cooperating with the Bank, please report the case through : This platform is used by Credit Agricole Group to protect whistleblowers from retaliation. The received facts will be analyzed by the Compliance staff on the basis of principles of confidentiality. The BKMS system is available in 11 languages, including Ukrainian and English. It is accessible and operates around the clock, you will only need internet access.

A conflict of interest includes but is not limited to a situation in which a party has a relationship that puts them in a position - directly or through third parties - to have access to insider information of the bank or to influence the results and/or the decision of the competitive committee.

Credit Agricole is committed to follow the highest standard of ethics and business practices in the procurement activities. The Bank will therefore reject any information/proposal put forward by bidders, or, where applicable, terminate the contract with the selected supplier if it is determined that the respective bidder or supplier has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. Furthermore, the Bank may discontinue any business relations with such party on a constant basis.

Hope for mutually fruitful cooperation!

Contact center Credit Agricole
0 800 30 5555 Free