Credit Agricole Bank provides mordern integration solutions that can be adapted to the specific requirements of the Client.
Credit Agricole Bank proposes the following integration solutions that ensure the protection of the contents and integrity of the import files:
1. CORPEX system that provides for import of payments by users without connecting external payment channels. If CORPEX is the only system used for payment integration, the following means and security settings can be used:
• Setting of user rights in CORPEX system to restrict creation, copying and modification of payments in the system. With such scheme, imported payments can be either signed and sent or deleted. No manual editing is possible;
• Setting of filter to enter the system by IP addresses;
• Coding of the import file: the Bank provides the Customer with a digital certificate Х.509 (RSA) with which the Customer, on its side, codes the payment and imports it to the system in the encrypted form.
2. Host-to-Host connection – the payment file is transferred to the Bank's server via a separate protected SFTP channel and uploaded to the CORPEX system. Then, in the CORPEX system, the payments are signed and sent by the user to the Bank. Such work scheme excludes user participation in importing the file that is transferred directly. The service is implemented using the XML ISO 20022 file format.
3. SWIFTNet channel of data transfer — getting Customer's payments via SWIFT and their further uploading directly to the core banking system of the Bank. With such connection, the CORPEX system is not used in the payment processing. The service can be implemented as follows:
• FIN MT101 – the sender sends a SWIFT instruction - МТ101 message that contains payment instructions to the Bank. If any payment is impossible to perform, the Bank creates and sends the respective MT199 message to the Customer.
• FileAct – the service of implementation with usage of XML ISO 20022 files. The Customer sends a SWIFT instruction (pain.001.003) to the Bank and, if it is impossible to perform a certain payment, the Bank sends the respective receipt (pain.002.003) to the customer.