The Fund guarantees to each Depositor the reimbursement of funds on deposits (including interest) at the end of the day preceding the day of the start of the bank liquidation procedure, but not more than the amount of the maximum amount of reimbursement of funds on deposits established on the date of such a decision, regardless of the number of deposits in one bank .
The amount of the maximum amount of reimbursement for deposits cannot be less than 600 000 hryvnias.
During the period of martial law in Ukraine and three months from the date of termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine, the Fund reimburses each depositor of the bank in the full amount of the deposit, including interest accrued as of the end of the day preceding the day of the start of the procedure for withdrawing the bank from the market, except in cases , provided for in the fourth part of Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On the System of Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals".
We inform you that as part of the information policy of the Fund and to ensure the organization of educational work among the public, the Fund made two short videos about the system of guaranteeing deposits of individuals called "Able to earn, learn to save" and "Family savings guarantee" that have been established to promote the public (depositors and potential depositors) warranty Information savings banks participating in the Fund. Videos can be viewed on the official channel of the Fund on Youtube.
You may get additional information having called the hot line of the Fund:
Tel.: 0-800-105-800
Address of the Fund:
17, Sichovykh Striltsiv, Kyiv, 04053
Official web-site: www.fg.gov.ua
E-mail: fgvfo@fg.gov.ua
The official website of the Fund with information about the conditions of deposits guarantee (section "Кошти, що гарантуються Фондом")
The official website of the Fund with information for Depositors what is not covered by the Deposit Guarantee Fund under Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On individual deposit guarantee system" (section "Кошти, які Фонд не відшкодовує")
The official website of the Fund with information on the protection of depositors' rights (section "Захист прав вкладників") https://www.fg.gov.ua/zakhist-prav-vkladnikiv
Current version of the Law of Ukraine «On the System of Deposit Guarantee»