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Credit Agricole Ukraine


Minfin portal rating:

  • №1 in the nomination “The Most Stable Bank” by results of Q1 2024

YouControl ranking:

  • TOP-3 most financially reliable banks

NV ranking:

  • TOP-10 largest donors among financial institutions

Rating from the Association of Ukrainian Banks:

  • The best bank in terms of growth dynamics of legal entitie’s deposits

HR-Brand Ukraine 2023 Award:

  • «Recruit Your Own» projected by Credit Agricole was recognized in the nomination

Ukrainian Fintech Awards 2024:

  • Credit Agricole was recognized «Best bank for Fintech»

FinAwards 2024 by web sites “MinFin” and

  • №2 in the nomination “The Most Stable Bank” based on the results of 2023

Standard-Rating agency ranking:

  • #2 in the nomination of reliability of bank deposits by the results of 2023

National Bank of Ukraine:

  • Credit Agricole confirmed status as a systemically important bank based on the results of 2023

The highest level rating by Standard-Rating

  • Long-term credit rating at the level of uaAAA
  • Deposit rating of ua1 on the scale of the rating agency
  • Short-term credit rating of uaK1 on the national scale

Research by Dragon Capital and the magazine “Novoe Vremya”

  • #1 in the rating of the most reliable banks in Ukraine

Financial market leaders rating by the business magazine “TOP-100. Ratings of the Largest” and Delo:

  • Credit Agricole is the best bank for agrarians

Minfin portal rating:

  • TOP3 most financially resilient Ukrainian banks by results of Q4 2023


Survey by Euromoney 2023

#1 in cash management in Ukraine

Financial Club Awards – 2023 by "Financial Club":

  • #3 in the "Car loan" nomination
  • #3 in the "Agroloans" nomination
  • Chairman of the Management Board Carlos de Cordoue in the TOP-10 best top managers
  • Deputy Chairman of the Management Board Jean-Pierre Pallard is in the TOP-5 best operating directors
  • Giorgio Sopranzi, who held the position of Member of the Management Board until December 2023, is in the TOP-5 best financial directors.

The highest level rating by Standard-Rating

  • Long-term credit rating at the level of uaAAA
  • Deposit rating of ua1 on the scale of the rating agency
  • Short-term credit rating of uaK1 on the national scale

Research by Dragon Capital and the magazine “Novoe Vremya”

  • TOP-3 most reliable banks in Ukraine

Delo media special ranking “HR in the war time”

  • Credit Agricole case about evacuation employees from dangerous regions and requalification employees is among the best HR initiatives of large Ukrainian companies during martial law

National Bank of Ukraine

  • Credi Agricole is in the list of systemically important banks

Minfin portal rating:

  • TOP3 most financially resilient Ukrainian banks by results of Q4 2022 rating

  • The bank got a high assessment of the level of viability


Financial Club rating “25 Leading Ukrainian Banks in War Time”

  • #1 in the “Car Loan” nomination
  • #7 in the overall rating of leading banks

Standard-Rating agency ranking:

  • №1 in the nomination of the most social responsibility banks
  • TOP-3 in the nomination of reliability of bank deposits

Minfin portal rating:

  • TOP5 most financially resilient Ukrainian banks by results of Q1 2022

Standard-Rating confirmed the highest level rating for Credit Agricole

  • Long-term credit rating at the level of uaAAA
  • Deposit rating of ua1 on the scale of the rating agency
  • Short-term credit rating of uaK1 on the national scale


Credit Agricole was assigned the highest level rating by Standard Rating

  • Long-term credit rating at the level of uaAAA
  • Deposit rating of ua1 on the scale of the rating agency
  • Short-term credit rating of uaK1 on the national scale

Rating by the business magazine “TOP-100. Ratings of the Biggest”, Ekonomika+ in partnership with the UN Global Compact in Ukraine

  • TOP 25 leaders of sustainable development

Financial Club Awards – 2021 by the information agency “Financial Club”

  • #1 in the “Car Loan” nomination
  • #3 in the nomination "Services for legal entities"
  • #7 in the overall rating of “50 Leading Banks of Ukraine”
  • Larysa Bondarieva is among TOP-3 corporate bankers in Ukraine

FinAwards 2021 by web sites “MinFin” and

  • #2 in the nomination “The Most Stable Bank”

Banks of the Year – 2021 by the information agency “Financial Club”

  • #1 in nomination "Corporate Bank"
  • #1 in nomination "Savings Bank for Business"

Financial market leaders rating by the business magazine “TOP-100. Ratings of the Largest” and Ekonomika+:

  • Carlos de Cordoue one of the best top managers of financial companies
  • Credit Agricole one of the best Ukrainian banks

Financial Oscar 2020 rating by “Business” magazine:

  • #1 in the nomination “Agrarian bank”

Minfin portal rating:

  • the three most financially resilient Ukrainian banks by results of Q1 2021


FITCH rating:

  • Highest possible national long-term rating in Ukraine is AAA
  • Long-term rating of issuer's default stability (IDR) in foreign currency “B“ (February, 2020)

Research by Dragon Capital and the magazine “Novoe Vremya”

  • TOP-3 most reliable banks in Ukraine

Euromoney Private Banking and Wealth Management Survey 2020

  • #2 in overall rating
  • #1 in “Family Office Services” nomination
  • #3 in “Research and Asset Allocation Advice” category

Financial Club Awards 2020 by the information agency “Financial Club”

  • #1 in the “Car Loan” nomination
  • #7 in the the overall rating of “50 Leading Banks of Ukraine”
  • Larysa Bondarieva is among TOP-5 corporate bankers in Ukraine
  • Galyna Zhukova is among TOP-5 retail bankers in Ukraine

“Minfin” portal rating:

  • #4 the most financially resilient Ukrainian banks by results of Q3 2020

Vlast Deneg rating:

  • TOP-25 best international companies in Ukraine
  • TOP-25 best employers of Ukraine
  • “We Care!” among the TOP-25 CSR programs

Forbes Ukraine rating:

  • TOP 50 best employers of Ukraine

HR-Brand Ukraine 2020 Award:

  • “Agro School” project is recognized as the “Best Leadership Development Program”

“Partnership for Sustainability Award – 2020” competition by UN Global Compact Network Ukraine:

  • «We Care!» program is shortlisted in the category “Fighting COVID-19”

Best banking products 2020” rating by Prostobank Consulting

  • “Loan for business development” #1 in the same-name nomination
  • “Classic” tariff package #1 among cash and payment offers on the market

YouControl analytical system’s ranking:

  • TOP-10 most financially reliable banks


FITCH rating:

  • Highest possible national long-term rating in Ukraine is AAA
  • Long-term rating of issuer's default stability (IDR) in foreign currency “B“, outlook is stable (October, 2019)

“Business” magazine rating

     • TOP-3 in the nomination “Agrarian Bank”

Research of Dragon Capital and the weekly magazine “Novoie Vriemia”

TOP-5 most reliable banks (according to results of 8 months of 2019)

Forecast Accuracy Award from Consensus Economics

№1 «Consensus Economics 2018 Forecast Accuracy Award for Ukraine»

“Banks of the Year 2019” rating by the information agency “Financial Club”

The best saving bank for business (in the category of banks with foreign banking groups’ capital)

Euromoney Private Banking and Wealth Management Survey 2019

  • №1 in social impact investing
  • TOP-5 in sub-categories «Ultra High Net» and «Super Affluent»

FinAwards 2019

VISA Infinite credit card got an award «expert choice»

Mastercard Day 2019

SOMMELIER premium package is the best premium offer in nomination «For Living with Taste»

Rating of financially stable banks (according to “Minfin”)

TOP-5 most financially stable banks of Ukraine (according to results of the 1 quarter 2019)

“50 leading banks of Ukraine” rating by “Financial Club” information agency:

№1 in “Car loans” nomination (2016-2019)

TOP-5: “Loans to SME”, “Mortgage loan”, “Services to legal entities”.

TOP-10: “Cash loan”, “Premium banking”, “Internet banking”, “Services to individuals in branches”, “Overdrafts”.

“Dengi” magazine rating (May, 2019)

  • ТОP-10 most profitable deposits in UAH for private individuals for 3 months (12,5%)
  • ТОP-10 most profitable deposits in UAH for private individuals for 6 months (14,5%)

Strong team of TOP-managers:

Jean-Paul Piotrowski

ТОP-10 “The best top managers of bank” (“50 leading banks of Ukraine”, “Financial Club”, 2016-2019)

Larysa Bondarieva

  • №1 in “The best corporate banker” nomination (“50 leading banks of Ukraine”, “Financial Club”, 2019)
  • TOP-20 «The Most Successful Women of Ukraine» («Vlast deneg», 2018-2019)

Galyna Zhukova

  • TOP-5 “The best retail bankers” (“50 leading banks of Ukraine”, “Financial Club”, 2016-2019)


Jean-Pierre Pallard

  • TOP-5 “The best Chief Operating Officers” (“50 leading banks of Ukraine”, “Financial Club”, 2019)


Ernst & Young Audit and Consulting Company (2017-2018)

  • TOP-3 in the private banking market (in bankers’ opinion)
  • TOP-5 most popular banks, which provides private banking services (customers’ opinion)


Laureate Prostobank Awards rating 2019

«The best loan for business development 2018» nomination

  • 1st place - «Nonrevolving credit line» program

«The best in the market of the accounting and cash services 2018» nomination

  • 1st place – «Classic» program
  • 2nd place – «Business» program

«The best bank’s overdraft for business 2018»

  • 2nd place –  «Unsecured»

"Vlast Deneg" magazine

  • TOP-20 «companies that care» (TOP-20 companies, who invest in corporate social responsibility)
  • TOP-20 the best employers

Head Hunter Ukraine

  • TOP-20 the best employers in Ukraine
  • One of the leading employers in Kyiv region


  • №6 among most profitable banks of Ukraine (financial result of 2018)
  • 9th place by size of assets (according to NBU in the end of 2018)

FITCH rating: 

  • Highest possible national long-term rating in Ukraine is AAA
  • Long-term rating of issuer's default stability (IDR) in foreign currency B- outlook  is stable (May, 2018)

TOP-6 most profitable banks of Ukraine (financial result of 2018)  

68% - client recommendation index (CRI) in agri agro, which is the highest in Ukraine (according to GFK-Ukraine)   

«The best branch » (first new model branch in Podil) according to FinAwards 2018   

«Business» magazine rating

  • TOP-3 in the nomination "Agrarian Bank"

Research of Dragon Capital and the weekly magazine «Novoie Vriemia»

  • TOP-3 most reliable financial institutions

Forecast Accuracy Award from Consensus Economics 

  • №1 «Consensus Economics 2018 Forecast Accuracy Award for Ukraine»

Ernst & Young Audit and Consulting Company  

  • TOP-3 in the premium-banking market

«Vlast deneg» rating

  • TOP-20 foreign investors in Ukraine

«Reputable activists» rating 

  • TOP-5 banks with the best reputation

Laureate Prostobank Awards rating 2018

  • The best in the market of the accounting and cash services "Classic"
  • 3rd place among the programs of settlement and cash services - the program "Business"

Strong team of top-managers 

Jean-Paul Piotrowski 

  • TOP-10 in the best top-manager of the bank («TOP-50 leading banks» ratings by information agency «Finclub») 
  • TOP-20 most influential persons in Ukraine’s financial sector («Vlast’ Deneg» magazine)

Larysa Bondarieva 

  • TOP-5 the best corporate banker («TOP-50 leading banks» ratings by information agency «Finclub»)   
  • TOP-20 the most successful women of Ukraine ("Vlast deneg")
  • TOP-50 ladies of financial sphere («Business» magazine rating) 

Galyna Zhukova  

  • TOP-5 in the nomination «Best Retail Banker» («TOP-50 leading banks» ratings by information agency «Finclub»)
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