Dear customers,
If anyone calls you (even on behalf of employees or services of CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK, or from any other bank, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the banking security service, etc.) and tries to have a dialogue with you about blocking payment cards, accounts, mobile banking application, financial transactions, while addressing you, including by name, patronymic and / or surname – please TAKE EXTRA CARE! This could be a signal that you are being called by SCAMMERS!
If you receive a call from an unknown number, for banking or financial matters, STOP CONVERSATION IMMEDIATELY and CALL the Contact Center of CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK at the phone numbers listed on the back of your payment card.
In general, NEVER tell ANYONE on the phone any information related to your relationship with the Bank. This is, first of all, information about your payment card:
- CVV2-code – three digits on the back of the payment card;
- payment card validity period;
Keep secret:
- any PASSWORDS or NUMBER CODES that you receive in SMS-messages;
- LOGIN and PASSWORD to online or mobile banking;
- PIN-codes to your payment cards or the entry PIN-code to Mobile banking СA+
The ONLY exception may be your payment card number, if you are expecting a transfer to this payment card number.
In this case, if you did not receive the expected transfer on time, you should call the Contact Center of CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK as soon as possible, inform the Bank employees and request comments on possible fraud on the part of the sender, namely:
- whether the CA+ mobile application has been installed on another mobile device;
- whether anyone tried to lift/ change the restrictions on your payment cards/ accounts;
- whether any transactions on your card or current/ deposit accounts have been made recently.
If you learn from the Contact Center of the Bank about events you do not understand, or events in which you did not participate, IMMEDIATELY inform about it and block payment cards, mobile applications, as well as access to Internet banking.
In addition to the above, we also DO NOT RECOMMEND providing the following personal information by phone:
- ITN (Individual tax number);
- address of residence;
- passport series and number;
- date of birth;
- place of employment;
- your safe word – it is only intended for communication with the Bank employees (Contact Center) or in the branches).
DO NOT SEND or DISCLOSE to anyone the content of SMS-messages received on your phone. This can be a LOGIN and PASSWORD to online or mobile banking, PIN-codes to your payment cards or your entry PIN-code to the Mobile banking CA+.
If you receive an SMS from an unknown number about winning a promotion/ lottery, or that your card will be blocked, IGNORE such messages. Please ignore the request to enter combinations and codes that you do not understand on your phone. It can also be a scam to gain REMOTE ACCESS to your phone and the CA+ mobile banking application.
For example: a combination for forwarding all calls of Kyivstar, Vodafone,and lifecell mobile operators: **21*+#380ХХХХХХХХХ
In order to forward SMS with Vodafone mobile operator, send SMS with the code number +380ХХХХХХХХХ to a short number 3031. In this case, SMS-messages with codes and passwords or calls from the Bank addressed to you will be received by fraudsters who will be able to use them to access your bank accounts.
REMEMBER (!!!) that your ATTENTION, CAUTION and SKEPTICISM in the disclosure of any personal information to third parties is the PRIMARY GUARANTEE OF YOUR FINANCIAL SAFETY and an insurmountable obstacle to the attempts of misleading you.