Credit Agricole has entered into the agreement with “Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers” company, and offers favorable finance conditions to agroclients for purchase of mineral fertilizers. Maximum lending period is one year while the interest rate during first six months is 0.001% per annum. The partner of the bank - Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers – is a modern mineral fertilizer producer that uses only domestic raw materials.
For Credit Agricole, agrarian business is one of the strategic sectors. The bank currently serves more than 3,000 agrarian clients, including international corporations, large agroholdings, medium-size agrarian companies, and small farming enterprises. There is a high demand for partnership programs as they offer more favorable conditions that the standard finance. Credit Agricole’s portfolio currently contains more than 30 partnership programs in the framework of which it offers finance not only for purchase of seeds, crop protection agents, fertilizers, fuel and lubricating materials, but also agricultural machinery and equipment.
Learn more about partnership programs here.
About Credit Agricole:
JSC «CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK» is a modern universal bank owned by the leading financial group in Europe – Credit Agricole Group (France). The Group is a major partner of the French economy and one of the largest banking groups in Europe. It is a leading retail bank in Europe, having the largest portfolio of assets under management, being first in the field of bancassurance and third - in project financing in Europe. Credit Agricole has been operating in the financial market of Ukraine since 1993 and renders the entire range of banking services to private individuals, including Premium clients, and business. The Bank pays special attention to cooperation with agricultural enterprises. Reliability and business reputation of CREDIT AGRICOLE in Ukraine is confirmed by the highest possible FITCH ratings, leading positions in bank sustainability, bank deposit reliability and bank profitability rankings, as well as by 280 000 active private and 17 000 corporate customers, including international corporations, large Ukrainian companies and representatives of small and medium business. Credit Agricole Bank is a socially responsible bank that confirms its status by the large number of projects implemented under the Corporate Social Responsibility Program “We Care!”.
Viktoriia Torianyk, head of public relations and internal communications at credit Agricole Bank