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EU4Business-EBRD Credit line

Credit Agricole joined to initiative of EU and EBRD in support SMEs in Ukraine by joining the programme “EU4Business-EBRD Credit line” (here and after – Programme).

The Programme “EU4Business-EBRD Credit line” is a joint initiative of the EU and the EBRD to enable Ukrainian SMEs to enter the open market within the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA).

The purpose of the Programme “EU4Business-EBRD Credit line” is to help Ukrainian companies meet international production standards by saving energy, resources and reducing carbon emissions.

The Programme “EU4Business-EBRD Credit line” provides financing through Credit Agricole and up to 10% grant incentives (cashback) funded by the European Union.

Grant incentives (cashback) is paid to the Client's current account after successful completion of the project.

The Programme is open to SMEs that meet the following main criteria (including related companies):

An annual turnover below EUR 50 million equivalent, and/or an annual balance sheet not exceeding EUR 43 million equivalent

The business should have less than 250 employees

The company is at least 51% privately owned

The company should be formed under the laws of Ukraine. Legal entities should be registered and engaged in economic activities, in accordance with the laws of Ukraine

The Programme provides the purchase or lease of equipment with the value of up to € 300,000 equivalent, which is already included in the list of eligible technologies (LET), which is posted on the web-site. Grant incentives (cashback) up to 10%.

How does the LET approach work?

  • Select an equipment and check the availability of the equipment in the LET on the dedicated web-site. If the equipment you have selected is not on the list of eligible technologies, you need to provide a certificate of conformity to the package of documents, so that EBRD consultants can check the possibility of adding the equipment to the LET.
  • Get a document from the seller describing the characteristics and cost of the equipment (pro-forma invoice, specification, etc.), as well as a certificate of conformity, if the equipment you have chosen is not in the LET.
  • Fill in and send to the e-mail address documents for participation in the Programme, namely:
  • The EBRD Consultant will check the possibility of your participation in the Programme, and Credit Agricole will simultaneously check the documents and make a preliminary decision on providing you with financing.
  • If the results of the technical checks and preliminary financial evaluation are positive, Credit Agricole makes the final decision on providing you with financing.
  • After conclusion the financial leasing agreement with Credit Agricole, Credit Agricole buys the object of your choice and transfers it to you in financial leasing.
  • Once the Object is transferred to financial leasing, you should fill out an Incentive request form (cashback).
  • The Programme Verification Consultant will review the documents and authorize the payment of the grant incentives (cashback).
  • Credit Agricole transfers the amount of grant incentives (cashback) to your account.

Terms of financing:

Amount of financing up to 3 million euros in equivalent

Financing currency - hryvnia

Rate type % – fixed

One-time fee – up to 2,5%

Repayment schedule: standard, annuity, personalized

Property insurance: carried out by the lessor

* The terms of financing given in this proposal are indicative. The Bank reserves the right to set individual financing conditions for each Client or to refuse to provide financing. This offer is not consumer lending.

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