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"Partnerska" program

New cars lending program "PARTNERSKA" - a program that provides special conditions for lending cars from CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK JSC.

Lack of notarization

Early repayment without commission

Quick loan decision

Fixed rate for the entire loan term

Term of the loan Interest rates in UAH (annual) One-time fee (from the loan amount)
Initial payment
from 30.00 % from 40.00 % from 50.00 % from 60.00 % from 70.00 %
1-12 months. 3.99 % 2.99 % 1.99 % 0.99 % 0.01 % 2.99 %
13-24 months. 7.99 % 6.99 % 5.99 % 4.99 % 2.99 % 2.99 %
25-36 months. 8.99 % 7.99 % 6.99 % 5.99 % 4.99 % 2.99 %
37-48 months. 11.99 % 11.99 % 9.99 % 8.99 % 6.99 % 0.00 %
49-60 months. 11.99 % 11.99 % 9.99 % 8.99 % 6.99 % 0.00 %

Approximate calculation of payment:

Loan program:
The cost of the vehicle, UAH:
Advance payment, UAH:
Loan amount:
Term of the loan:
Type of repayment schedule :

Додаткові платежі за кредитом (обрано 5)

  • Одноразова комісія за видачу, грн
  • Страхування життя, грн.
  • Страхування КАСКО, грн.
  • Комісія за Операції в Державному реєстрі обтяжень рухомого майна, грн.
  • Обов'язкове державне пенсійне страхування, грн.

Type of repayment schedule:

  • Monthly, annuity method;
  • Monthly, standard method.

Requirements to the borrower

  • Age of the borrower: min 25 y. o.
  • Official employment.
  • Regular source of income.
  • Length of current employment – at least 6 months
  • Passport of Ukrainian citizen and tax ID
  • Full list of the required documents

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount: up to 2 600 000 UAH.
  • Loan disbursement: Bank transfer money to the current account of car dealer.
  • Loan is pledged by: vehicle being purchased.
  • For the car valued more than 1 000 000 UAH: for a private individual - 30%.
  • For a private entrepreneur minimum down payment is 20%.

Additional expenses:

  • commission for operations in the State Register – UAH 750 one-off;
  • KASKO insurance (average tariff from 5,5% of the cost of a car) by a program partner;
  • life insurance - from 1.99% of the loan amount;
  • Motor Third Party Liability Insurance by a program partner;
  • compulsory state pension insurance fee, one-time – 3-5% (of the cost of the car).

Mandatory insurance: full KASKO, Motor Third Party Liability Insurance, Life and Health Insurance of the Borrower.

Real annual interest rate: 38,67% per annum (calculated from the maximum loan amount and the maximum loan term). The actual value of the real annual interest rate on the loan will depend on the individual conditions of credit (loan amount, term, special conditions for the product, etc.).

Five simple steps to buying a car

Step 1

Choose a car and a loan program

Step 2

Submit documents for consideration

Step 3

Get a positive solution

Step 4

Sign the contract

Step 5

Pick up the car


The client has the right, within 14 calendar days from the date of the conclusion of the loan agreement, to cancel the loan agreement without explaining the reasons, including if he receives funds. The client must notify the bank of the intention to cancel the loan agreement in writing and within 7 calendar days from the date of submission of the written notice is obliged to return the funds received under the loan agreement to the bank and pay interest for the period from the date of receipt of funds to the day of their return at the rate established by the loan agreement.

Early termination of the loan agreement at the initiative of the client is possible only by full early repayment of the loan and all payments stipulated by the agreement.

If the client fails to fulfill its obligations under the loan agreement, the bank is entitled, in the cases specified by the agreement, to demand early repayment of loan payments (full early repayment of the loan) and compensation for losses caused by the violation of the obligation.

The bank is prohibited from requiring the customer to purchase any goods or services from the bank or a related or related person as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services).

The Bank does not have the right to unilaterally amend the agreements concluded with customers, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the law.

The client has the opportunity to refuse to receive advertising materials by means of remote communication channels.

Warning about possible consequences for the client in case of using a loan or non-fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement:

  1. Penalty in case of delay in payment of the loan and interest - in the amount of double discount rate of the National Bank of Ukraine in effect during the period for which the penalty is paid, but not more than 15% of the amount of the delayed payment.
  2. Penalty for:
    • violation of the terms of the intended use of the loan - 25% of the amount of funds used not for their intended purpose;
    • absence of a pledged property insurance contract (KASCO) - 3% of the vehicle value for each violation;
    • lack of an insurance contract for OSAGO - UAH 300. for each case of violation;
    • failure to submit to the bank the original of the vehicle registration certificate in case of pledging property rights under a vehicle sale and purchase agreement - UAH 20,000;
    • failure to provide a complete package of documents and / or failure to conclude the necessary agreements required for the issuance of a loan;
    • non-compliance with the provisions of agreements concluded with the bank (credit, pledge);
    • obtaining loans from other financial institutions, providing guarantees, pledging property without prior written approval from the bank;
    • failure to inform the bank about changes in personal data, contact information, place of residence, place of work, position and other circumstances that may affect the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement;
    • failure to provide the bank with information on the property status and income in the manner and terms determined by the loan agreement;
    • failure to provide additional security in the cases specified in the loan agreement;
    • failure to provide a vehicle for inspection at the request of the bank;
    • use of the vehicle for commercial purposes and haulage;
    • installation of gas equipment on a vehicle without prior written approval from the bank;
    • refusal to repay the loan early in the cases specified in the loan agreement - 1% of the amount of the issued loan for each violation.


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