When overseas, you do not need to concern yourself with buying foreign currency or opening additional accounts. All you need is to have funds on your card account and you will be able to use your payment card to withdraw cash and pay for goods and services. When using a card it is imperative to pay attention to the presence of Mastercard and VISA international payment systems logo.
If the transaction currency does not coincide with your card’s currency, the conversion is carried out in accordance with the following scheme:
1. In the moment of conducting the transaction on the card account, the corresponding amount converted into the card currency is blocked - so it is checked whether there are enough funds in the account and they are reserved for further debiting.
If the SMS-banking service is activated, or Push notification is received in the СА+ mobile application on the day of making a payment, the notification will show the blocked amount in the settlement currency and the remaining card balance. However, the amounts blocked in UAH are not final amounts to be charged to the account and can differ due to a change in rates on the actual date when the card account is charged.
2. Within the 30-day period after the transaction was conducted, the actual charging of funds to the account takes place, at the rate applicable on the day when the card account is charged. The currency conversion is as follows:
1. The international payment system (Mastercard or VISA) sends the transaction amount to the Bank, which we convert according to the bank's commercial rate, which you can see here
2. The bank converts USD into the currency of the client's account at its own commercial rate for card transactions, which can be seen on the bank's website here.
Therefore, debiting funds from the client's card account is at the bank's rate, which you can see on the bank's website or track if you subscribe to the e-mail newsletter.
Due to the difference in days when the amount on the account is blocked and its actual charge, and due to the currency rate fluctuations, the difference between the amount of blocked and charged funds arises.
It is also worth noting that in accordance with your card tariffs there is a fee for currency conversion. It is charged on the day of actual debit of funds from the account.