After the forced pause of several years, we are delighted to inform you that Credit Agricole continues the tradition of partnering with Latifundist Media for AgroExpedition Sowing 2023, 10-year anniversary crop tour across the fields of Ukraine. The new agrarian expedition and visiting the agrarian companies launch on May 15. As part of the project, Credit Agricole agrarian team together with the project organizers will visit dozens of fields and a number of various agrarian companies – large holdings and small farms in order to talk to the agrarian business representatives, analyze how the sowing is going, the structure of cultivated areas, technologies, etc.
“Credit Agricole has been on the Ukrainian market for 30 years, agro is among our strategic directions of the bank's development. It matters for customers that the bank understands the specifics and features of the agrarian business, so we constantly visit the fields, expand the knowledge of our employees as part of our AgroSchool project, support specialized conferences. We are happy that in spite of all the trials and tribulations, we were able to renew our traditional AgroExpedition with Latifundist Media. We put our efforts and expertise into projects that create additional value for our customers and the agribusiness of Ukraine”, - shares Natalia Porvina, Head of Agro Business Support Department at Credit Agricole Bank.
Martial law, fertilizer prices, weather conditions, export situation with Ukrainian grain and a number of other factors affect the decision of agrarians to sow some crops while giving up others. In particular, it is predicted that the area under corn will be almost halved compared to the period before the full-scale invasion. Oftentimes the crops for sowing are selected practically in the last minute.
“We will show how because of the russia’s war against Ukraine business approaches and agrarian technologies have transformed, reveal trends specific to a certain region in the conditions of the war. We will have conversations with owners and managers of the agrarian companies, as well as head engineers, agronomers, etc. Very soon you will be able to learn firsthand about how the sowing is progressing, changes to cultivated areas for certain crops, technologies for plant growing and protection, specifics of how agrarians work in the wartime and plans for the nearest future”, - Yaroslavna Tkachenko, CCO of Latifundist Media comments.
Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine predicts that as of March 23, the following areas will be allocated for the spring sowing in Ukraine:
- corn — 3.6 million hectares (-451 thousand hectares against 2022);
- sunflower — 5.64 million hectares (+476 thousand hectares);
- soybean — 1.84 million hectares (+334 thousand hectares);
- spring barley — 1.04 million hectares (+111 thousand hectares);
- winter wheat — 285 thousand hectares (+67 thousand hectares).
To understand and show the real situation with spring sowing, we planned the crop-tour Sowing-2023 together with partners in the course of which we will show how the sowing is progressing.
With this objective in mind, we are planning to visit the following regions:
- Center: Vinnytsia, Bila Tserkva, Poltava, Dnipro, Cherkasy
- North-east: Poltava, Kharkiv, Sumy
- North: north of Kyiv region, Chernihiv region, Zhytomyr
- West: Ternopil, Khmelnytsk, Lviv and Rivne regions
- South: Odesa, north of Mykolaiv region
If you like to invite us with partners for a visit, you can contact by email or by facebook page
This is sowing, so it is bound to be exciting!