In collaboration with “Your Support” charity fund, Credit Agricole purchased expert-level ultrasound diagnostic system that cost 4,700,000 million hryvnias for the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine. With the help of the device, doctors will be able to discover congenital defects and pathologies of the child as early as in the 12th week of pregnancy in women. It will enable experts to carry out the most accurate diagnostics and help women give birth to healthy babies.
“In these tumultuous times, help is the language of good and social responsibilities of companies. Since the war broke out, Credit Agricole has allocated 20,000,000 hryvnias for the good initiatives, in particular for medicine. As for the IPOG, it is our second project with them this year. This institution is unique by virtue of it providing comprehensive surgical aid to children with developmental deficiencies. Previously we purchased the anesthetic-respiratory device for children, today – the ultrasound diagnostic system. Supporting such institutions is of crucial importance, as it is an investment in the future, in younger generation and their health” - shared Carlos de Cordoue, Chairman of Management Board at Credit Agricole when visiting the IPOG. He engaged in conversation with doctors, thanked them for their professionalism and care.
“In the IPOG we take care of patients with the most complicated pathologies, therefore we were in dire need of the new apparatus. The device for prenatal diagnosis helps to detect developmental abnormalities in the fetus in utero and to develop the proper strategy for managing pregnancy and childbirth”,- noted Liubov Sliepova, head doctor of the IPOG.
“The IPOG deals with complicated cases in its practice, in particular saving patients’ lives and inspiring hope for the happy motherhood. Therefore it requires global investments for the procurement of cutting edge equipment. We are grateful to Credit Agricole that even in the wartime the bank realizes the importance of systemic aid for the hospitals and it continuously allocates funds for charity. It is worth noting that the allocated funds covered the whole complex of the necessary measures: purchase, delivery and installation of equipment as well as training on how to operate the system,“ ― comments Valeriia Tatarchuk, Founder and CEO of “Your support” Charity Fund.
Charity is an important component of Credit Agricole activities. In 2016, the bank adopted the corporate social responsibility program We Care!. It includes charity, volunteering, environmental initiatives and care for the employees.