Dear customers!
In September 2023 Credit Agricole is launching migration of customers who use ELPay internet banking, which is currently used for transferring of consolidated statement on the salary project to the bank, to the “Payroll” module in CORPEX.
In order to improve user experience of our customers, Credit Agricole has implemented a state-of-the-art solution for salary projects which is already available in the internet banking for CORPEX business customers. The updated salary project encompasses even more useful functions and options that will automate and accelerate the processes of payroll administering and payment, data analytics, as well as facilitate the work of the financial department and accounting.
All CORPEX internet banking users are automatically granted access to the new functions contained in the “Payroll” module:
- Import the ready-made payroll statement or create it on your own using the system interface if you do not have the option to automate the export of data from the company’s accounting systems.
- Pay salary to your employees to cards by Credit Agricole or other banks.
- You can pay salary to employees who work on a part-time basis (i.e. those, who are employed in multiple companies).
- The responsible employee can work with salary projects of several companies simultaneously, i.e. see all payrolls at the same time. Such functions are offered by the “multi-client” mode in CORPEX.
- Upload payments on the paid taxes to CORPEX (provided you have current accounts with Credit Agricole).
- The updated module ensures preliminary data control in the payroll: when the statement is being uploaded, CORPEX will highlight all errors, if any. This way, you can instantly make corrections to the statement without sending it to the bank.
- Use the “direct debit” service: amount allocated for salary payment is debited from the current account immediately upon processing the payroll by the system.
- View the status of statement processing by the bank online.
We would like to reiterate that several users from the same company with varying levels of access depending on their responsibilities can work in CORPEX internet banking. Therefore, the head of the company can selectively grant access to payroll module functions – it is safe and convenient for business.
To start work with Payroll module, you will need to contact your manager and provide the bank “Application for access and user rights in remote service system”, which specifies the list of persons authorized to work in the module.
If you have not accessed CORPEХ yet, be sure to contact your manager for connecting to the system and obtaining access to the Payroll module.
PLEASE NOTE: connecting to the Payroll module will have a time limit. After the migration period is over, ELPay will be decommissioned. You will be notified about the deadlines for migration additionally. Be sure to pay attention to messages from the bank.
Would you like to learn more about CORPEХ options? Talk to your personal manager at Credit Agricole or phone our contact center via the dedicated line for business customers support at 0 800 300 004