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Credit Agricole ranked 2nd among the most resilient banks in Ukraine according to FinAwards 2024

04 April 2024

On March 29, the award ceremony for the winners of the bank resilience rating by FinAwards 2024 was held in Kyiv. The main goal of the rating is to determine the best financial institutions in terms of the products implementation, state-of-the-art technologies and customer service. Credit Agricole has won silver in the "Most Resilient Bank" category.

The participants of the rating were judged on the asset quality, liquidity, possibility of external support, deposit growth, payment reputation, etc. The award ceremony was organized by financial portals "Minfin" and

"The resilience of a bank in the wartime acquires particular importance, and we are delighted that the panel of judges and customers see us as a reliable financial partner. Our entire team and the international Group strive to work in Ukraine and continue supporting our customers, who can always rely on Credit Agricole," commented Vitalii Kucher, Board Member, Chief Financial Officer at Credit Agricole.

Also Credit Agricole has recently been recognized as leader of the annual rating of the most resilient banks by Dragon Capital investment company and NV magazine. Besides, Credit Agricole ranked 2 in bank deposit reliability rating by Standard-Rating.

FinAwards 2024 is an annual competition held for the 7th consecutive year. Every time, the FinAwards becomes the center of attention for everyone working in finance.

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