Credit Agricole is among the TOP-20 most important foreign investors of Ukraine according to «Vlast deneg» magazine.
«During the selection of the most important foreign investments, we took into account not only their volume, but also how long they have been working and what impact on the social and economic situation in Ukraine they have already had and will probably have in the future. In addition, we paid attention to the importance of Ukrainian assets for the investors themselves, their plans to develop business in Ukraine and invest in it again», - the organizing committee of the rating comments.
«Vlast deneg» magazine comments the bank’s status among the TOP-20 foreign investors as follows.
Credit Agricole Bank pays particular attention to cooperation with companies of the agro-industrial complex. «We believe in the development of agribusiness in Ukraine because it has great potential. Since 2014, significant progress has been made. Investments in improving the quality of products, infrastructure and technology were quite fruitful and resulted in creating the basis for the long-term growth of the Ukrainian agricultural sector. Now, further success will depend on the ability of Ukrainian agribusiness to maintain an appropriate level of quality and efficiency. These investments are especially important for the further development of the domain in Ukraine. As a reference bank for agribusiness, we will continue to bring innovations to Ukraine helping agrarians not only with financial decisions, but also with professional expertise», – Jean-Paul Piotrowski, Chairman of the Management Board of Credit Agricole Bank, says.
The reliability and business reputation of the bank is confirmed by the highest possible Fitch rating, leadership in the banks’ stability ratings, reliability of bank deposits and the most profitable banks, as well as by 300 thousand active private clients and 18 thousand corporate clients, including international corporations, large Ukrainian companies and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. According to the financial results of 2017, Credit Agricole Bank became one of the three most profitable banks in Ukraine. It received a record net profit of MUAH 1110, which is 37%, or MUAH 302, more than in 2016. Moreover, in the first quarter of 2018, the bank's net profit amounted to MUAH 440, which exceeds the result for the first quarter of 2017 by 44%, or MUAH 134.
«The universal bank model allows us to diversify the main sources of our income and maintain excellent financial results. In the first quarter of 2018, Credit Agricole Bank received the highest net result in the entire history of its operations, and this allows us to make optimistic forecasts for 2018», - Regis Lefevre, the Board Member and CFO of Credit Agricole Bank, comments.
The cost-benefit ratio of Credit Agricole Bank remains one of the lowest among universal Ukrainian banks and does not deteriorate in terms of significant investment. The bank is actively investing in its development: network, digital technologies, IT security and infrastructure.
About Credit Agricole:
PJSC «Credit Agricole Bank» is a modern universal bank owned by the leading financial group in Europe – Credit Agricole Group (France). The Group is a major partner of the French economy and one of the largest banking groups in Europe. It is a leading retail bank in Europe, having the largest portfolio of assets under management, being first in the field of ban insurance and third - in project financing in Europe. Credit Agricole has been operating in the financial market of Ukraine since 1993 and renders the entire range of banking services to private individuals, including premium-clients, and business. The Bank pays special attention to cooperation with agricultural enterprises. Reliability and business reputation of Credit Agricole in Ukraine is confirmed by the highest possible FITCH ratings, leading positions in bank sustainability, bank deposit reliability and bank profitability rankings, as well as by 300 000 active private and 18 000 corporate customers, including international corporations, large Ukrainian companies and representatives of small and medium business.
Viktoriia Torianyk, Head of PR and corporate communications Credit Agricole Bank.
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